
Project maintained by Ajeethaa Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Does a country with a high GDP per capita take in more refugees?

The aim of this project is to investigate correlation between wealth of a country and its intake of refugees. The notion that I have adopted is wealthier countries should take in more refugees. The analysis will use GDP per capita, size of population and the rate of intake yearly.

To simplify the scope of the project, I have only analysed three countries. I chose these countries based on their GDP per capita in the year 2017. The three countries are in the order of highest, lowest and the average amongst the list of countries. I have then compared their GDP versuse percentage of refugees from the year 2017 onwards.

What do I want to find out: whether high GDP means high refugee intake?


The countries that have least population growth have fewer refugees. The countries that have lower GDP per capita have hosted the most percentage of refugees. The wealthiest country has fewer refugees. This finding tells that the country that has the highest GDP per capita has the fewest number of refugees.

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