Project: To find out whether a country with the highest GDP per capita and population growth would host more refugees as opposed to the lowest.

Table of Contents


This project will find out if a country with the highest GDP per capita would have a higher percentage of refugees. The notion is a country that is wealthier would have the necessary resources and fund to host as many refugees that the one that has the lowest GDP per capita. This analysis will not be a comprehensive one as GDP per capita depends on a number of factors including population size.

For this project, I will be including three indicators; population growth, refugees by percentage* and GDP per capita. I will be focusing on three countries which I will choose based on the lowest, middle and highest GDP per capita in the year 2017. The focus year is 2017 to simplify the research. All data will be extracted from

NOTE*: the percentage of refugees in a host country abroad. This data tells us about refugees living outside of their home country.

Data Wrangling

General Properties

There are some missing data and they will be fixed in the cleaning process next.

Data Cleaning

As mentioned in the introduction, the analysis will be on the data in the year 2017. This is just to simplify the project. I have removed all other years using the slicing method. As seen the output, only data in one year for each indicator will be analysed.

There are duplicates. However, after a close examination of the Excel sheet, I found the 'duplicated' data are not duplicated. Most were rounded off to 2 decimals but the other to 3 decimals. When I kept the numbers constant to 3 decimals, the 'duplicated' data did not alter. In any case, the duplicated data will not be removed.

All NaN removed. The next steps will be to decide the three countries for analysis. They will be chosen based on their GDP per capita.

I used the location method to find the three countries in each indicator i.e. refugee percentage, population growth and GDP per capita. I have then renamed all the indicated above. I had an initial idea of using the mean GDP per capita as a gauge (dependent). I have managed to create a separate dataframe for the mean but I got into a pickle while plotting the graphs.

The idea is to amalgamate the indicators as one table to simplify plotting later.

Exploratory Data Analysis

How do the countries fare when they are compared based on the indicators?

Based on the visual above, it tells me that Qatar's GDP per capita is signifcantly higher than the other two countries. Sri Lanka and Somalia have GDP per capita, collectively, under 20000, while Qatar's shoot overs.

Somalia has a higher population growth than Qatar. Sri Lanka has the least. But the growth between Qatar and Somalia are not far from each other.

I was quite surprised by this graph result. Somalia has the least GDP per capita but its percentage of refugees is the highest as compared to Qatar's, which has the highest amongst countries. Sri Lanka has the least share. A least wealthy country has hosted the most refugees.

I have plotted this to see side by side, the refugee percentage and population growth, to see the magnitude of the latter when compared to the former.

Because the values for GDP is just too great as compared to the population growth, one cannot see its values on the graph.

Do richer country host more refugees? Do country that has the least population growth take in more refugees to mitigate the effect of declining population?

The country that has the least population is taking in fewer refugees. As confirmed in the bar chart above, Somalia that has the most growth has the most percentage of refugees. I would imagine countries like Qatar and Sri Lanka that the least population growth and higher GDP per capita would consider taking in more refugees.


The countries that have least population growth have fewer refugees. The countries that have lower GDP per capita have hosted the most percentage of refugees. The wealthiest country has fewer refugees. This finding tells that the country that has the highest GDP per capita has the fewest number of refugees.

Limitation: Ideally, the mean GDP should be incorporated to see where these countries stand when compared to the mean.
